HAVE YOU ever wondered why the brownies and elves would sneak out and help people that were in need of help when The Father instructed them too and would not go back if people tried to pay them back? This always seemed so strange to me (Pauline) and I kept wondering why until I received a visit from a brownie.
KNOWING THIS SECRET and activating it will help you to progress unto the presence of The Father at a much faster rate when following The Father in all of His ways and will.
MANY TIMES, throughout my life I would wonder why the Brownies and Elves would sneak out and help people that were in need of help and would not go back if they tried to leave any sort of pay for them. This always seemed so strange to me and I kept wondering why.
ONE EVENING I read “The Elves and The Shoemakers” to my three young children and that night I went to bed wondering once again why they would not take any pay left for them and then never return to that home again if they did. I am sure it was because that home no longer needed their help. But early that next morning I found out the real reason for this by a visit from a real Brownie.
I WOKE UP when I felt some one sit down on the foot of my bed. I sat up and looked and saw a middle-aged quaint man about three feet in height looking at me. He said he was allowed to come and let me know why the brownies left when people tried to pay them was because if they could get anyone for hire if they were paying for it and did not need the Brownies. He said other people needed the job and the pay, but they did not. Then He explained that there also was another reason, and that reason was that they had found that if they did not receive pay from man that God would pay them in ways that man could not when under His guidance. The Brownie said that Heavenly Father taught that if you receive praise from man, you already received your reward so they would help in a way no one would know who it was that helped. And they had discovered how Heavenly Father paid when they started to do this, and He then explained the following paying system to me used by Heavenly Father Himself.
THE BROWNIE told me that if we do something for someone and we refuse to take any pay Heavenly Father puts one gold coin into our heavenly blessing bank account. And then if we do something for someone without them asking us to and refuse to take pay Heavenly Father puts two gold coins into our Heavenly blessing bank account. And then joy of joys they found out that if you do something for someone and you never world without end let anyone know that you did it, Heavenly Father puts three gold coins into your heavenly blessing bank account. They figured that it is much better to receive three gold coins for any particular favor than one or two, so they try and do that as much as possible. And after many years they found themselves very rich with heavenly blessings to the point of miraculous abilities given to them like coming and going unseen and instant travel and other awesome abilities and this is how it became their lifestyle. They never lack in any of their needs, and they have a heavenly atmosphere amongst themselves and with others being industrious in all of their work.
I HAVE TOLD this story to all of my children throughout their lives and many others and when we stopped doing the santa lie we used our Christmas stockings to practice doing what the Brownies do and would sneak small gifts into the stockings when no one was looking and then never letting anyone know what we had put in. Then on Christmas morning we could all empty our stockings and see what we had been given by the others. We have enjoyed this so much many times. Also my husband and I would leave some different candy on the Christmas tree for each child for each of the twelve days of Christmas to the utter joy of our children. These are some fun things to know and to do and we share these things with you, in hopes that your lives will be greatly enriched and a fun one too.
I HAVE BELIEVED that this experience was given to me because I would always go around picking up things indoors and out and kept the smaller siblings happy and cared for and included in everything leaving smiles and sunshine every place I went, making it a better place for me having been there. But I now realize that the Brownie going too far in their ways using The Father’s paying system as an excuse to pop in anywhere any time in an effort to get as many blessings as they could. The Brownie never should have shown up in my bedroom I did feel intruded upon even though the knowledge was nice to have. There are many other ways that this knowledge could have been given. We get the greater blessings when we do good things without being asked by anyone not even by The Father but always according to His ways and will. We do however need to remember not to intrude into the affairs of others and know if we are needed or not. This is one thing a lot of the Brownies were always mindful of and got clearance from The Creator before helping others. This is something I found out later and felt that I should add it here. This is a great calling of The Father for this is in emulation of Him bringing daily sunshine, rain, plants and keeping the universe in order and running smoothly. There are so many little deeds of kindness we can do. Parents are always doing this for their children who are a help to the family also.
RECENTLY WE found out that society had shunned the Brownies because of their intrusions and many left them, seeing how it was wrong to touch others or their properties without their permission and they embraced the teachings of Christ in helping in times of desperate need like in the parable of the Good Samaritan where others needed help and could not help themselves. This is how The Father works and is called Grace. In this way The Father can give us blessings that can only come from Him like peace, inspiration and knowledge and keep His spirit and attitude with us and progress along the way.
THERE ARE many things we can do without letting others know and without treading on their rights or getting in their space. There are many services we can freely do and many times along the way when seeing where others can use a helping hand. In this way we are being kind, considerate and helpful but also allowing others to be responsible for themselves and feeling their own self-worth. This is also a very vital principle and very important to not let the idler eat the bread of the laborer.
THE FATHER is the reason for the Season and the true spirit of giving and we should not let anyone take His place in our hearts and homes or any place on the face of the earth or anywhere else. He has commissioned all of us to teach of Him and to help lead the way to Him like all righteous people have done since the beginning of time with Him.
WE TRULY hope you obtain the best blessings ever from The Heavenly Father Creator of the universe and only good.
By: Pauline LeBaron (AchHummer)