EVERY newborn baby is precious, sweet and divine, innocent and as pure as can be and are meant to be kept that way through all eternity. It is so sad if their sweet pure innocence is tampered with in any way. Most mothers do their best to preserve this in their children and let them grow up in knowing what is right and best for them and what is not so as they grow, they can make correct choices that help preserve their sweetness and their purity. It is monstrous to treat the helpless and innocent in any other way. It devastates us upright ones when we hear of horrendous violations of the helpless and innocent ones. Many of the Patriots of this country have gone to great lengths to put a stop to the human trafficking that has been taking place under cover. It is important to understand some of the hideous reasoning behind those who push such horrible things onto others. There is always a basic reason behind what each of us do in our lives but there is never a reason good enough for any of us to do anything that will keep any other person from living and enjoying life and reaching their full potential. In this next part we go into some of the ugliest of ugly and might be extremely difficult for you to realize some of the things that have been passed down for many generations. Take a deep breath, say a prayer for the strength to face this reality if you choose to proceed forward as we expose it to you.
THE fact that those who believe in many gods have required human sacrifice down throughout the time of our recorded history is well known. These sacrifices came in many different forms. From teaching it would get you into a higher realm if you did it willingly and to killing off all who did not believe in their particular god through war for greater gain, abortions and kidnapping, to paying for your sins by killing something to gain favors and power from their god. As you can see all of this is counterproductive to maintaining quality life for each individual and the best interest for all of mankind. It really seems human sacrifices comes from egotistical self-centered individuals trying to feel they are above all others and not from the hard-working caring ones that do all in their power to help make this earth a better place for all and for generations to come. People that really want to make something of themselves and be of great worth in every way they can be.
IT is also claimed that the murdering of the innocent is an old demonic way of feeding their god’s seen and unseen who feed off from the essence that escapes from the body when someone dies and the smell that emanates off of the body and blood if blood is shed. Also, that they gather the vibrations of fear and pain that comes from torching a person for the purpose of sending fear and pain onto others they try to scare into obeying them. This only works if a person’s conviction of doing what is right is not strong. Many who have been strong have passed through the torcher triumphantly because Heavenly Father will ease the pain if you do not give into doing things for the demonic ways they try to force onto you. They also use it to convince the innocent that our Creator is a mean Creator because He created our bodies capable of feeling excruciating pain. It is good to teach the young that the purpose of feeling pain mentally, spiritually and physically is so we can know if something is wrong. Without this ability we would not know when something is wrong. The evil ones pick on humans to feed their gods because the essence is more powerful than that of animals. It is also easy to kidnap humans or scare them into obeying them. It is easy to grab a human without much effort and sacrificing them without anyone knowing of it. This is not only murder but also thievery in many respects, first; starting with the kidnaping or harvesting of something that they did not have to work for or to grow for their own. Second; it drains the person before their death and after their death of their essence if fear and pain is involved which leaves your spirit body in a weakened condition. Third; It steals the true knowledge of the innocent ones of knowing of our Creator’s ways of tender care for all. Fourth: by not knowing our Creator’s ways it can captor their allegiance to the demons after they are killed by making them believe that our Creator is the mean one and if they turn to them they will never torcher them again. We are sure that there are other reasons for human sacrifices, but these are some of the main ones.
NOW you can understand why for thousands of years human sacrifices have been taking place and still does today more than ever before because it is easier to do more than ever before. We have been brainwashed into believing that our leaders will do us no harm and that they have our best interest at heart. Because they have done such a beautiful job of convincing us they are very loving as they lovingly take advantage of us, all for their advantage. Also we are easily convinced to build ourselves up first and to defend our personal rights to the extent of even getting an abortion if we want and to not care if others have a chance to obtaining physical bodies also and enjoying life which causes us to only have half a heart for all of mankind and for life itself not realizing that life goes on forever and we all need to experience this physical world and that we all have equal self-worth. The fallen ones have not been allowed to have physical bodies until they make restitution for all of their wrongs to the ones they have wronged and stop doing wrong. We feel this is one reason that they fight so hard to keep others from having physical bodies and teach us to only be concerned about number one. We were all born innocent and helpless totally dependent on others. No one can say that they did not know that we should help others to have a good life and to excel in our capacities.
THE Creator of us all and this beautiful universe we all dearly love deeply cares about each and every one of His children and has taught us to be full of charity outlined by the fourteen points of charity and how to live them. By teaching the truth of The Creator it is vitally important that you understand that our caring Creator does not and never has supported the hideous murders of the innocent or of fighting of any sort and never will. It is completely contrary to all of His teachings. Do not let the cunningness of the wicked who go contrary to The Creator and His ways lead you into believing otherwise. But for one purpose here we would like to address this principle. The first question we would like to ask is this; would a loving caring Father that created this universe and all life forms in the most beautiful way that ever could be created in and particular food for each type of animal and His children require His children to give up their life after he made it and provided all means for it to exist ever expect then to be used as food for Him? Let’s check this out from the following scriptures below.
KJV – Isaiah 66:3
3. He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man; he that sacrificeth a lamb, as if he cut off a dog’s neck; he that offereth an oblation, as if he offered swine’s blood; he that burneth incense, as if he blessed an idol. Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations.
KJV-Isaiah 1: 10-17
10. Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah.
11. To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto Me? saith the Lord: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats.
12. When ye come to appear before Me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread My courts?
13. Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto Me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.
14. Your new moons and your appointed feasts My soul hateth: they are a trouble unto Me; I am weary to bear them.
15. And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide Mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.
16. Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before Mine eyes; cease to do evil;
17. Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.
IT is obvious that The Creator does not require us to feed Him and that He feeds Himself. Remember Jesus multiplied the one fish and loaf of bread to feed thousands of people? It is our Creator that takes care of us not the other way around. Parents do not have their children take care of them if they are capable of doing it themselves. It is obvious that The Creator values life and does not have the heart to eat the very pets that serve mankind directly and how hideous it is if we do it. You cannot overcome your sins or cleans the inner self by going out and killing something. We cannot pay for our sins by sacrificing something whether it be by money, items, food, or by killing an animal. The Creator has given us two outlines to follow in order to cleans the inner self which are the don’ts and the does outlined by the ten commandments and the fourteen points of charity both of which takes living the law of faith in order to exceed completely in our Creator which you can find all of these on our website. The Creator needs nothing from us except obedience to Him and His ways. Our Creator has us pay for our sins as we can, an ox for an ox, money at a just price or prison and working to support yourself and money to those you have wronged while there. No man can pay for the sins of another. What goes around truly comes back around. We earn what we get whether for good deeds or for wicked deeds. We create our own heaven or hell.
EVERYTHING from The Life Giver leads to life not death as many have testified to that have been translated and resurrected which can always be worked for. In The Creator we were not meant to live in sin and die but to live by His precepts and live never having to die. It is so hideous to take life from anyone and especially from the innocent and the helpless. Know this; our Creator has never in any way supported the killing of the innocent for any reason. It goes against the very core of all of His ways. Seek him earnestly and you shall surlily find Him. It is never too late to clean the slate and make a new start. Our Creator will always be there for life goes on no matter the state we are in when we turn to Him in all sincerity. We need our daily bread, mentally, spiritually and physically all along the way. We should all know the truth and establish its stakes of justice in the land.
By: Martin and Pauline LeBaron (AchHummer)
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