WE WOULD like to share with you what The Creator told us when we asked Him to please show us what His holidays are. The Father revealed that He knew long before we became His children and while He was creating a nice home or universe for us to live in that would meet our every need in every way that He would have to send His Only Begotten Son down here to show His children the right way back to Him by showing His power through Christ’s teachings and principles of His ways and putting down falsehoods. And for unrefuted proof of this He created four main annual holidays as a sign of His foreknowledge of the main actions He would take in this world of ours in our behalf. He said that He set permanent signs in the heavens so we can all definitely know what His four main annual Holidays are, and they come around as regular as clockwork which we call the two equinoxes and the two solstices thus making four major holidays. These are very special signs made in a very special way because each one has a very special meaning behind it.
THE SPRING EQUINOX is when Christ was to be born into this world bringing renewed life to it. The summer solstice is when The Creator celebrates His family reunion for three days and three nights The autumnal equinox is The Creator’s Thanksgiving Day. And the winter solstice is when Christ would visit the dead for three days and three nights and then was to be resurrected after overcoming all things and all elements on the fourth day which we call Christ-Mass. Everything was timed exactly when it was meant to be, and it all happened exactly on time.
TO UNDERSTAND this better we need an understanding of who heaven and earth belongs to. In the following scripture you will see who created heaven and earth and where His hill was founded upon the seas upon this earth.
KJV-Psalms 24: 1-6
1. (A Psalm of David.) The earth is The LORD’S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
2. For He hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.
3. Who shall ascend into the hill of The LORD? or who shall stand in His holy place?
4. He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.
5. He shall receive The Blessing from The LORD, and righteousness from The God of His salvation.
6. This is the generation of them that seek Him, that seek Thy face, O Jacob. Selah.
EVERYTHING was created in the most beautiful way it could possibly be it cannot be better or more beautiful and The Heavenly Creator is pure and perfect in all of His ways. He does not deviate to the right or to the left thus His works are one eternal round, and nothing will come back to Him void. We are safe, sound and secure in Him and always will be. What comfort this knowledge gives to our souls! The following scripture also shows that the Mount of The Lord is established upon this earth and is where Christ resides.
KJV-Psalms 48: 1-8
1. Great is The Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of His holiness
2. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King.
3. God is known in her palaces for a refuge
4. For, lo, the kings were assembled, they passed by together.
5. They saw it, and so they marvelled; they were troubled, and hasted away.
6. Fear took hold upon them there, and pain, as of a woman in travail.
7. Thou breakest the ships of Tarshish with an east wind.
8. As we have heard, so have we seen in the city of The Lord of Hosts, in the city of our God God will establish it for ever. Selah.
THE Mount of The Lord is at the very center of our earth on the sides of the North and is what we call The North Pole and is where Christ and translated beings reside and where His garden is. When you realize that the ships of Tarshish of the kings were destroyed by the east wind you can realize that this Psalms is talking about something that took place here upon this earth and that they passed by the beautiful city of The Creator on Mount Zion and marveled and because they all of them came without invitation their ships were destroyed so they could not proceed further. Because of what happened and what they saw they realized that, that city would stand forever. Those that witnessed that mount and city drew maps of it to the best of their abilities and we have copies of those ancient maps. Those maps talk of and show us that the earth is flat. Only in modern times are we taught that it is not flat. Because of this we would like to say something about the flat earth controversy because we feel it is vital at this time to get some clear understanding of it so we can understand the scriptures better. There are so many things that can be said about it you can find on YouTube with ‘Flat Water’ so we are only going to ask one question pertaining to it that we have not heard of others saying, then share something that The Father has opened up to our understanding of it.
FIRST OF ALL, we would like to bring to your attention that if the earth is not flat then we are not all under the same sky for how can this possibly be so on a round globe? Let us analyze this point a bit. The people living under the globe certainly have a different sky than the ones on top of the globe and the people living around on the four sides of the globe would all have a different sky than the ones on top and on the bottom of the globe so how on earth can they all see the same sky and its celestial bodies rotations and the sky still be the same all the time for all four sides and the top and bottom? If we have six different skies why then are the scientist saying we all see the same exact rotation of the galaxy each night? Is the same star formation on the four sides and on top and then on the bottom of the globe fixed in each sky exactly the same? If so, we would still have six different skies to see. The four on the sides would be seeing the beginning and ending of the two skies at night as it spun around. We only have one sky so that shows that the earth is flat, and we can all watch meteor showers at the same time as Facebook stated that we could do and celestial bodies rotations around the North Pole at the same time on each side of the flat earth each night.
THE ANCIENT diagrams of the North Pole (which we cannot copy and paste here) is something the world controllers are not telling people about for the purpose of keeping most from understanding The Creator better so they can have more control over things. The more falsehoods we believe and support the further from The Father, it keeps us and the more difficult it is for us to understand The Creator’s truths and ways. In presenting their globe theory they left out one directional line when presenting it. The first diagram shows us that North, South, East and West are all on our flat earth which the compass attests to because if we were on a round globe the compass could not point to the top when on the sides of the globe or under it because the needle cannot bend itself up to point to the top.
WHEN VIEWING the ancient maps of the North Pole they all have four rivers flowing out from the center of the mount of The Lord which lies in the exact center of our earth, and they flow in four different directions and is the true cradle of civilization in this world. These four rivers are the four crossroads where you enter and exit the area, and they divide the earth in exactly four parts and where they extend to the edges of the earth and mark where the four corners of the earth are. The Mount of The Lord is also called The Mount of Transfiguration.
THE FOLLOWING saying is to help you understand that a lot of things in our lives have been an illusion because of falsehoods and that to find the truth is to come into the true reality of our existence. Study the map we show well for it will help you see reality a little better. Consult The Maker for better understanding, He speaks to all of His children who seek Him.
Taking illusion as a reality
Makes reality as an illusion
By: Pauline LeBaron (AchHummer)
WE ARE INSIDE of a transparent magnetized metallic shell that surrounds and protects us from the elements or black magnetic metallic matter outside of the protective shield around us. This is what The Heavenly Father opened up to our understanding. He showed us plainly that we are inside of a round transparent magnetized metallic shell with flat water and ground inside with a dome between us and The Father’s realm above us. When you think of how two magnets pull together strongly then you will begin to understand how the magnetized matter outside of the transparent magnetized metallic round shell we are in is drawn to the magnetized matter that is on the inside of the metallic round shell that surrounds us and how they strongly pull together then you will understand how the earth or the universe is held strongly together all around, firmly and immoveable forevermore. If the earth or universe was held up by four pillars you would have to ask what holds up the pillars and what holds up that? And it could go on forever. Thanks to Eric Dubay and all who took part in helping us to understand about flat water so The Father could show us how the earth is immovable forevermore!
THERE IS A shaft or pole that goes from the top of our sphere where The Heavenly Parents began their work called Alfa and where They dwell and is above the three heavens and it extends down to the very end of our sphere where the depth of hell is and is called Omega where They finished Their work and shall be the last of Their work with Their children. This shaft or pole is called the Alpha and Omega pole and allows God and others to move at will to anywhere inside of our global universe from the greatest heights to the lowest depths underground. There are shafts that extend out in all directions to round spheres underground with a light in each one and are used for different levels of people in their progression back to The Heavenly Parents. The world controllers call this shaft or pole the North Pole and the South Pole because they know about the shaft (or pole) that extends from top to bottom of our round sphere that we are encompassed in. We have the North direction and then we have the North Pole. It is the North Pole that all things are magnetized to and where the compass needle points and thus the Arora lights. The North Star always stays stationary pointing to where Christ resides, and all the galaxy rotates around the North Star. The North Pole is at the very center of the flat earth and is called the city where Christ resides in the sides of the north. The shaft or pole that extends down into the underworld and up into the heavens above us is what is called the door into heaven and hell that Christ guards.
The CROSSROADS are not rugged but are imaginary lines with the shaft from heaven to hell going right down the middle of them. The shaft gives access to all dimensions and places inside of the global universe. Many scriptures in the Bible say that the earth does not move and that the sun goes around the earth which means that the flat earth is inside the global universe and the sun goes around in the inside of the globe. Christ never mentions but one earth or world that His Father created. Within this universe He created a place for the real wicked and called it hell and has always held the keys and power over it since the beginning and has never given them to anyone. Loving Parents do not put such power in the hands of Their children.
NOW YOU can understand all the mercy The Heavenly Creator has in keeping all intelligences safely inside the globe and patiently helps all who turn to Him in becoming harmonious as one and to make it back into His presence. He patiently helps all who turn to His ways which are the best that can ever be. In honor of Him let’s all pull strongly together immoveable permanently forevermore with Him. Our Mug, Cap and Shirt signifies this with the words (Pulling Together as One Forever) God says that if we are not one, we are not His. Even though ancient writings have correct knowledge in them they also have falsehoods in them, and they all lead you to rely on men in the fresh rather than The Creator which keeps you away from Him fully so, seek Heavenly Father The Creator in all things to have instant understanding come to you. When this happens, you will find that it is in perfect harmony with all His upright ways and teachings and that He gives two different witnesses of each point.
THE AUTUMNAL EQUINOX represents The Creator’s Thanksgiving Day. He said that He set up a special annual holiday for the purpose of giving thanks to all of His children for all of their good deeds they have done each year and that He set a permanent sign in the heavens of which day they are. He said He marked the Autumnal Equinox as His Thanksgiving Day not only of the harvest of good food but also the harvest of all good deeds. This was so surprising to us and has so much meaning behind it we wanted to share this knowledge with you also so you can have the same privilege as we have of celebrating His Thanksgiving Day on the same day and feel more in tune with His universe doing it along with all of the host of heaven. We feel so blessed to have such precious knowledge given to us that we want to celebrate Thanksgiving Day on The Heavenly Father’s special Thanksgiving Day also. And following in His footsteps we want to give special thanks to Him for all He has done.
Thanks Be To The Creator
On this very special, blessed holiday
Remember the path that was paved,
By The dear Creator showing the way
To behave so that our souls can be saved
Give thanks to Him today as we pray.
And for all the things for us He made,
Giving our thanks each and every day
Being grateful for all that He gave
By: Pauline LeBaron.(AchHummer)
SOMETHING else very special was also told to us pertaining to The Creator’s Thanksgiving Day which makes it so very special is that this is the day He created to give out bonuses and awards to all of His children in honor of their good deeds and caring ways truly showing His great thanks to us for our good works in Him. This is how it came about that we also started to give thanks and awards to each other for special deeds and accomplishments that we achieve and holding a Thanksgiving Day. Everyone that tries to follow in The Creator’s way should experience receiving a reward from Him on this day to a certain degree. Count your blessings on this day and you will more than likely discover new enlightenment given to you. A lot of ways and knowledge was passed down to us throughout time but was not written so we did not realize that these beautiful ways came straight from The Father from the very beginning of time.
IN CLOSING we would like to also give our thanks to all of you for all that you do that adds beauty and sweetness and care in one way or another in your daily lives that helps to lift a load of care to others in their lives. Each good little thought helps to make this world a better place. Thanks, and peace and good will to all of you forevermore.
By: Martin and Pauline LeBaron (AchHummer