IN A TIME when falsehoods in every area of life are so prevalent it has become extremely difficult for many unsuspecting individuals to see or comprehend between them and the pure plain truths of life especially our underage children. A lot of it we feel is that many are taught evolution of the universe. It is obvious that this world has passed the test of time for millions of years that nature stays the same steadfast and sure and dependable as many of it recycles such as the water into clouds and back again, etc. It has defiantly been organized by a higher intelligence than ours and who does not divulge the knowledge of it to anyone so it cannot be fought over or taken over and so it will last forever. We believe that The Great Creator of the universe took time to figure out completely everything in existence and placed it all in the best way that could ever possibly be for each and every element and then for the intellects large and small, powerful or weak, In doing this He discovered that there were two different basic natural tendencies in all of the different levels of intelligences. He created bodies and food for them in a way that fulfilled them in all of their natural tendencies and abilities and in a way that they could have a fulness of joy in life. All things in existence were established and set for all times unalterable forever, as the steadfastness of nature testifies too. If mankind in all of their abilities try to mess with these intellects’ bodies and minds, they become mutilated, mutants and confusion sets in because it disconnects them from their natural selves physically and mentally,
WHEN WE look at things for what they actually are the confusion is lifted. For example, let’s take the confusion that comes when people because of the fantastic imagination the human mind is capable of are convinced that they are both male and female or that they are in the wrong type of body the unsuspecting can be convinced that it is true. But it goes completely against their nature. There is a vast difference between the male and female intellects even though both are capable of learning and doing similar tasks.
When fantasy becomes a reality
Reality becomes a fantasy
By: Pauline L. AchHummer
BY NATURE, the female mind is concerned mostly with the tender care of the intellects that are weaker than theirs and the abilities that they can achieve and the little baby steps that is necessary to take in developing those abilities. These natural interests, tendencies and knowledge developed over time are so strong that they make excellent parents for the beginning life of the human intellect from conception on up to the age of twelve where the help of the male intellect is needed to help with their more advanced growth and development. The females are naturally care takers unless put in unnatural circumstances. This is why the care taking intellects were created with bodies with the capacity of developing bodies for the intellects inside of them and giving birth to them and then having the necessary elements for them to continue on in their physical development in a way of being able to nurse them and the interest of taking care of them. The female also has the necessary patience and natural interest and abilities of helping them develop mentally, emotionally and intellectually and spiritually, which is how to get along with one another in peace, fairness, honesty and Justice. Most of the lower school grades are filled by women. Women also take good care of themselves as well. Take the mothers from the homes and the male and females do not grow up well rounded out in the life of male and female genders and their natures. Leave the father out and the same thing happens.
THE MALES on the other hand have intellectual interest, abilities and knowledge developed over time mentally in different areas than the females in meeting the needs of the different intellects in a different way. As a result of their main interests and abilities in taking care of needs, wants and desires of the different intellects we have food gatherers, gardens, wood and coal for fires, spears, slings, knives, hammers, nails, plows, harnesses, brick houses, wood houses, fireplaces, candles, wood stoves, stables, buggies, homes on wheels, airplanes, looms, spindles, thread, lamps, clocks and watches, electricity, cars, washers, dryers, lights, electric stoves, drills, saws, shingles, garbage dumps and trucks, sewing machines, vacuums, shampooers, beds and furniture, computers, phones, books, cameras, electric cars etc. etc. etc. How many women have had very much interest in creating these things other than just operating them after they have been invented?
THE MALES and females cannot get along well without each other. Men are not from Mars and women are not from Venus. We all experienced life together taking care of the needs of all mentally and as a result we developed natural interest and abilities in the areas of the most interest that we had in meeting the needs of all intellects just like The Creator of the universe and His Mate had done with care and tenderness for all of the different needs of everything in existence. When He started to create bodies for everything after Him and His Mate had designed them He created the female intellects with the apparatus to develop inside of them the different bodies for the different genders in all of the different humans, and the same for all of the female animals, small critters, and insects and plants, creating them in a way that life cannot be procreated without the male and female because we cannot have all of our needs, wants and desires met fully in any other way. This is what the connotation of father and mother is. You cannot have a father without a mother. One without the other gets life way off balance. We need male and females in all areas of life in all of the stages of life to have a balance in life in all of our needs and to have a fullness of joy. And when we look after the wellbeing of all things it is exercising great spirituality.
WHAT HAPPENS when we mutilate the male and female bodies? Life gets off balance in more ways than one. Doctors can cut off and put on any body part that they can but they cannot change the basic makeup of the human or animal intellects. A male will always be a male and a female will always be a female. You can take a male monkey and put female clothing on it but it will still be a male and vice versa. If a male cannot give birth to a baby and nurse it you can rest assured that he is not a female. Their brains are not wired to handle the functioning of such things even if the apparatuses are grafted onto or into his body. The same goes for a woman, they will never have the mental capacity or physical strength that men have mentally that is why they are physically stronger. For those of you that believe that there are spirits around that can enter the physical body and cause the owner of it to feel like they are the opposite gender, and it takes over we say be very careful in addressing this issue. Let’s all continue to serve everyone in the way that is natural to us so that the needs of us and all animals, plants and all nature can be taken good care of. Let The Great Creator and Caretaker be your guide. In Him we place our trust and our only guide in all things.
THE MALE and female together make up everything the human intellects are capable of and together they make a complete whole which keeps life balanced out and keeps the needs of both met. Women will always need the strength of men and their exactness they keep in all of their creations and correct principles. And men will always need the tender care of the women. When women are put in charge over men and countries their principle in accurateness gets a little off because of getting too tender in their dealings, their main strength being the milk of honest human kindness. This is where the strength of the men is needed and is why they are best to be in charge of things even though they will from birth on need from their female mate their care and kindness in all walks of life helping to keep things running smoothly. This is why men do better in leadership and provider positions. Women do better in caring for food, cleaning and taking care of all of the little things that need to be done in order to keep everything in order and functioning well in the home and in helping her spouse and in companies as secretaries and human relations. Together they keep their natural abilities and tendencies balanced out and all of their needs met at home and in society. Both genders will always have the need of someone always to be there for them who they can share everything they do with and the need of someone who will care for them and love them more than anyone else in existence forever and they them. When this is balanced out it keeps them emotionally balanced and fully content in life and working together in all that they do and in the problems that they may have. The best way for controllers to control everyone is to keep the eternal mates separated and away from each other as much as possible in every way possible at home, at school, at work, at play and entertainment. But they are meant to do all things together and this should be the standard way in all societies as much as possible. If they did that the children would grow up better balanced out.
WE BELIEVE that we all have been taught that in heaven all of our needs will be met and that there will not be anything to do but play music and sing and play competitive games, but this is not true. Food was created so our bodies can have energy in order to function, so we can do a lot of different things. All Things were created to function in the manner The heavenly Father, Creator of the universe and only good created them to be which was the best way it can possibly be and set it all for all times and eternities and are always stable, sound, secure, steady, strong, steadfast, sturdy, safe and sure forevermore dependable, reliable, faithful, trustworthy, and pure and always will be. We will always need food and clothing because our bodies will always be the same even though when resurrected we will never die. This is why food of all sorts were created. Even The Heavenly Parents need food. Many plants have a cycle they must go through in order to produce fruits and many must go through a cold spell of rest in order to rejuvenate and make more leaves and fruit. It is all very miraculous to us how it all works. Plants will always need care. In heaven Adam had to dress the garden and take care of it, and he had many different plants and fruits to eat. When mates of the opposite gender work together in all of their duties the greatest gratification can be had, and they experience what the other goes through and they understand each other better and they have more empathy for each other, and they become more prosperous. There is nothing that can match with doing things with the one you love and care for the most and never want to live without. It truly is like heaven on earth. There will always be male and female, and both of their minds and bodies will go on functioning with their natural tendencies and abilities that were created in a way to meet those needs in the best way to match those needs even when they are resurrected and become more powerful. Our bodies were created to be one mentally, ethereally, spiritually and physically with our eternal mate of the opposite gender and created bone of bone and flesh of flesh, this is the same pattern God The Creator used for Himself and all of His children. When eternal mates keep pure fidelity for each other in all areas and needs in life they develop purity in the very core of them. Purity is the greatest feeling in all existence above all other feelings and creates true trust in each other like no other way can. Only the pure in heart will see The Father and Mother. Give your full heart to your eternal companion and become of one heart and mind. Nothing in existence can match this. So teach, ‘No Courting’ until after The Father Himself has told you who your eternal companion is.
YOU CAN now see what a hideous evil transgenderism is. Many of them have a hard time adjusting to the change and many become so detached to their real selves they commit suicide. They seem to slowly loose the care for life and can easily kill others without much emotion or care for them or for life itself. This is so sad beyond measure. Please share this article with as many as you possibly can and help in every way you can to put down this false religion. Thank you
WE truly hope the best for all. We hope that the blessings of The Lord pure and true will always be with you. Take care.
By: Martin & Pauline LeBaron (AchHummer)
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