After having your post read to me on ‘Charity Thinketh No Evil’ I wanted to share my thoughts pertaining to it. When people get in the habit of making mistakes they often lose sight of truth and think that they will always be bad and they forget or don’t realize they can learn from their mistakes and still become good and that they can still find the truth and become a better person. I would like to encourage people to give themselves a second chance. Keep looking for ways and things that are good that you can do so you will start feeling like you can be a better person. Even doing one small thing for someone that makes them smile will always make you immediately feel happy and better about yourself.
THERE are many churches that are not cultic, we establish ourselves as one of them under The Father. Most churches we know of say that you have to believe everything the Pastor teaches and if you do not agree with them then they tell you to find one you can agree with and they do not exchange the ideas and insights of their members with everyone to help all to see eye to eye. To us this is cultic. People should be allowed to get inspiration and insights into the gospel and share it with each other and thus be able to grow together in knowledge.
THE universe is Heavenly Father’s and it is like a garden in which He places His children and creatures, where they can create homes of their own. Each and every child has a right to go to their parents just like in a home and get guidance and knowledge, help and discipline from them for their personal growth and abilities. This is the way Christ set up each of the churches he established. In the church established in Jerusalem there were about 120 followers including the Apostles and the men and women who prayed in the upper room to know who was supposed to take Judases’ place amongst the Apostles. Two names were presented so they casts lots to know from The Father which one was to be the next Apostle. This shows that all adults are to know for themselves what God’s will is for them in their doings and that only The Father is head of each church. This fact is also established in Revelation where God The Father guides each of His seven established churches separately. Only in this fashion can each and every member know for themselves what God’s will is for their individual church and what His ways are for them. Christ said that if we are not one we are not his or part of his church organizations. Getting The Father’s guidance individually is the only way this can be accomplished.
THE APOSTLE PAUL who was not with Christ during his mission on earth received light and knowledge from Christ later separately from the others and went out on his own to do The Lord’s will and he established different churches in different places and gave them council but had them get their own guidance from God for their individual churches. And when he left he sent the second comforter to always be with them which would never leave them and they healed the sick etc. In one of his letters he said that bishops and deacons had to be blameless which shows that they had to be following God’s will and that it was not just one person’s responsibility to get all of the guidance for the whole church but the different members being one in The Father This shows that God The Father can call anyone at any time to do His bidding separate from anyone else and that no one can hand cuff God for their sole purpose saying that they are Gods only one on the earth whom He works through, therefore there is not only one correct church on the face of this earth but rather all have the right to get guidance from God on their own for their separate churches. Later when Paul visited Christ’s Apostles they questioned him on his beliefs and when they found they were correct they took him in and worked with him. Throughout the Bible God has called different people to do different things. He has also called many prophets separate from any church. Once again it is very important that people know for themselves if their leaders are correct in God The Father or not.
WE wish the best for you always. Let us know if there are any further questions.
JST-Genesis 14: 26-34
THESE are the powers that those holding this priesthood had straight from God The Father, Creator of the universe and only good and then they were translated. We can be given the Melchizedek Priesthood by the laying on of hands of someone in the flesh but it is not sure or complete until God has laid His hands on us and then we have the powers mentioned above. God The Father does this without human intervention, He is in charge of all of His children not any man on the face of the earth or anywhere else. These things can be done before we are born here on earth. We all have our own special calling given straight from The Father, Creator of the universe Himself which everyone needs to find.
KJV 1:4,5
4. Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
5. Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I
sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
IT is good to realize that satan is trying to place his name on all of God’s works. God created hands and the sun and charity symbolized by a heart, which is the pure love of God. These symbols belong to God and not to satan or anyone else and can be used by His followers in all of their doings. It is ridiculous to think that those who are actually following The Creator of the sun cannot use it as a symbol and that only those who are fighting The Creator of the universe can use His creations as symbols.
satan needs to leave what God has created to represent God and His ways, The Creator of The Universe and Only Good and no one else.
THE pictures we use symbolize to us the love we have of God and what He has created. God is light and He created the light which is the sun, satan did not. All of Heavenly Father’s creations are heavenly symbols not satanic. We will not let satan lay claim on any of The Creator’s good creations.
WE wish the best for you always dear sister in Christ who came to show us the way to The Heavenly Father. (We never capitalize satan’s name)
ALL of that can take place here on this Q & A page where it is easier to answer people’s questions of what we teach. This can also be done through our Contact Us page for those who would rather do it that way. We are open to all questions. We hope that you find our website helpful in some way.
WHEN WE had questions that the churches we were in did not have the answers for we were told to just live by their precepts the best we could and if not in agreement with them we would be excommunicated or asked to leave. We were not content with that after a while so we turned to Heavenly Father, The Creator of the universe and our questions were answered and our minds were opened up better and when we progressed more and then more understandings were given. We have this online ministry so we can share the things that were opened up to us and let everyone know we are not cultic and that The Heavenly Father speaks to all of His children that turn to Him for answers and that their questions and insights are welcome here for discussion.