IN our effort to help all of those who are fighting to keep America’s freedoms from being taken from us and to get back those that have been taken we are helping in giving all of you a letter you can copy and send out to all of your politicians, friends and families in all of the ways you have available to you. Copy and paste it to Facebook, Twitter etc. also. If we all join in and support this, it is a possibility for it to happen. By passing this information out far and wide in every way you possibly can by word of mouth or any other means you have available will go a long way in helping this to happen. When the people pull together and take a stand together and demand their rights that is when things really begin to happen. It takes us all looking after each-others basic rights to get it done. The more we demand our rights to be preserved the stronger the impact it will have and the more of a chance we can have all of our freedoms secured. This is a great opportunity to see which of our politicians and leaders are truly for the people and their rights without any cost to you, only a little of your time. This needs to be on our voting ballots as soon as possible and we hope our politicians will soon get it on.
Phone #:
Dear ……………………….:
IN regard to the importance of maintaining true freedom in America and the rights of the people, we/I would like to address this vitally important issue with you and your Cabinet in hopes of getting everyone that is interested in our freedoms to help in making sure they are well established and secure for all Americans.
THIS is an open letter to all who would join in taking a stand for our freedoms. To address this subject properly we have to go to the very beginning of time and take into consideration that we all have certain God given rights which He himself has provided for us and of which we should all be given and have a right to, not just the sun and rain and plants but also the ground. As adults we have all that we need here on earth to take care of all of our basic needs and beyond and the free agency to choose what type of home we will live in etc. This is the very beginning of our free agency. The first God given right we have next to life itself when we are born is to have a caretaker, food, shelter, and clothing. It is the shelter part we would like to address here. Not having a home is one of the most devastating and horrible things a person can experience and go through and one of the most devastating ways to end up dying in. This type of endless suffering needs to be put a stop to and those who truly care for their fellow beings need to take a stand and push the right to have a piece of land so all of the basic needs known to mankind can be had and the devastating suffering and stress we are under can come to a stop. The suffering that takes place without a place to call your own is not heard of enough here in America and puts a big load of shame upon us all. Are we as a people really free if we have no home to call our own? The answer to this question is a resounding NO! We cannot have true freedom if we do not have a home of our own, one that can never be taken from us and one that we can never give away and is tax free so the government can never take it away from us under any circumstances. There are many ways that a person can be taxed without having a tax on their home. When there is a tax on our home and something happens where we cannot pay it, we stand a chance of losing all we have put into the home and all of the time and labor we put into it. This is pure highway robbery of the worst sort and totally unfair and one of the worse things that can be done to a person! None of us should have to pay a tax to be able to take care of all of our basic needs. When you stop and think about it this is so ironical it is hard to imagine how such a thing was allowed in the first place. No one should ever have to pay a tax to the government on their home. When you look at it for what it truly is you will begin to realize that this is pure tyranny because if you do not pay your taxes you stand to lose your home clear down the line to the one that owns it clear and free. This not only keeps us under high tension and stress which causes sickness and death, but it also makes us afraid to take a real stand for our God given rights thus, we are true slaves to the tyrannical system, without true freedom at all. We had these freedoms when America was first founded. ‘This was the reason people fled to America. No one should ever have to pay a tax on their home and land. When adults are not allowed a piece of land to call their own which no one can ever take from them, and they can never give away or sale and is tax free and the right to “will” it to whoever they want when they pass away, we have tyranny and slavery of the worst type of no matter what our leaders say to the contrary. When we have to pay taxes on our homes and land even after they are paid off in full, we are literally owned slaves that have to do as our leaders say and pay annual taxes or they can come and take our homes and land from us. These tyrannical leaders and countries literally own us adults like children when our rights to own our very own home free and clear of taxes is taken away from us. As adults we have God given rights which no one should have a right to take away from us. We are better off financially if we do not have to take out loans that put us even more into the slavery system where if you do not pay up you lose everything, they say they can take from you. Owning our home free and clear is the only thing that truly sets the ground for total true freedom of how our Heavenly Father meant it to be in all of His ways. This establishes security and takes away a lot of stress we are all under and we are less likely to turn to drugs and alcohol which makes us more stable responsible adults. This would also solve the huge problem of people being homeless and not being able to sustain themselves which is an affront to us and to our nation. The list of suffering and problems the homeless have and are going through is a long list and should not be allowed to go on. It is surprising that more is not said in behalf of our fellow-beings than what is. All who truly care should start fighting for their rights. As children in God’s home or universe we all have claim to a piece of land and a home tax free just like children in our homes here have a right to a place to sleep and items that are given to them to always keep and have a say over. Having a home of our own is the very foundation of true liberty. The first right we have is the very foundation of true liberty The Creator of the universe gave to us next to life it-self. The Father which made us all, made One Universe and therefore only ‘One Way’ for all of His children. We have to be harmonious in all of God’s ways and everything done in His name and pray to Him and none other. He has established that what goes around will come back around fair and just for everyone. Thus, we are all under God our Heavenly Father and His ways for ever. As children in God’s home or universe we all have a right to a piece of land and a home tax free just like children in our homes do.
WHEN countries do not allow their people to own a home and land which is tax free it is a form of demon possession because we do not own ourselves and they can take what we own if we default for a while because of no job etc. This is one of the worse evils that can be placed upon mankind and one of the most uncaring acts that can be performed upon anyone. Because of this very thing America has been the cause of thousands of citizens suffering and starving and homeless that we have heard of more than any other country. Yet America brags about all the help they have given to the whole world, all the while their homeless citizens suffer great torcher through starvation, and un helped in all of the greatest needs a human has and that is of having a home that they can never sell or give away or be driven from and land large enough to plant a garden and a small orchard on so their basic needs can be met and they can be self-reliant and be able to have a livelihood to get their feet off the ground in having a business of their own if they choose to. America should not be helping any one until all of their own obligations to their citizens are fully met and everyone has a home and business of their own or a job. None of us should be helping other countries neither, until our own fellow citizen’s needs are met and taken care of. We should bombard our politicians with this until our basic rights and needs as humans are met. Now that we have a president that is trying to do what is best for the people it is the time our leaders take a stand in freeing the people from slavery. As long as we have slavery there is no true freedom and we are being lied to and taken advantage of and is the cause of us over working just to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. Dictators always tax the people’s lands and homes so they can own them like slaves and take over them leaving them with no true freedom or ground to stand on. Our pledge of allegiance should be as follows.
The Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance to The Creator
And to the ways for which He stands
One government under The Creator
With justice, peace and charity for all.
By: Pauline LeBaron (AchHummer)
MOST people have full trust in The Creator and the home (this universe and everything in it) and the food and life He has provided for us, yet countries take this very thing away from others they claim to serve. One of the first things a loving country should do to make sure that the worst sin leaders can committed against its people of not allowing them a home of their own, tax free, especially when it is completely paid off when in a society like ours here in America, is to give everyone a piece of land that can never be taken from them and cannot be sold or their basic freedom is robbed from them. Everyone has a right to a piece of land that cannot be taken from them. Every married couple should be given a piece of land or home to live in that no one can ever take away from them, so they always have a place and never have to live on the streets begging for help from others. This is very humiliating and degrading and keeps them from providing a livelihood for themselves with a garden and fruit trees of their choice. ‘In God we trust’, is only true when we take a stand and do everything in our power to get His ways established and upheld. Jesus said to turn the other cheek and make restitution when we wrong others and to go the extra mile. He does not require a death penalty for our wrongs. We feel people are afraid of establishing God’s ways because they think a death penalty is attached to our wrongs, but this is not true. Study the following scriptures out and you will begin to understand that our caring Creator gives us a chance to make good our wrongs.
KJV-Ezekiel 33: 14-16
14. Again, when I say unto the wicked, thou shalt surely die; if he turn from his sin, and do that which is
lawful and right;
15. If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without
committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die.
16. None of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned unto him: he hath done that which is
lawful and right; he shall surely live.
KJV-Matthew 5: 38-48
38. Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
39. But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to
him the other also.
KJV-2 Corinthians 5: 10
10. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that every one may receive the things
done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
WE hope everyone takes these things to heart and come to a better understanding of Heavenly Father’s ways and do everything they can to bring true freedom to America and this world so peace can truly reign upon this earth by passing this information out far and wide in every way you possibly can by word of mouth or any other means you have. We hope the best for each and every one of you on this earth knowing that hope alone will not bring things about. When we do all that, we can then our dear Father in heaven steps in and helps. Take care, be well and stay safe and keep helping everyone you can by passing out this knowledge. The great examples our Facebook friends have shown is astounding. The care you show is the healing of the nations and the soul. May you always have our Heavenly Creators blessings to be with you as you follow in all of His ways.
READ what true charity is all about at (NonCulticChristianity.org). Do you know the fourteen points of charity and how they are truly supposed to be lived? You can find out on the Home Page and Post Page. You will truly be astounded when you realize what our Creator has asked us to do. We hope you take these things to heart and come to a better understanding of Heavenly Father’s ways and do everything you can to bring true freedom to America so we can all have peace and plenty. Thank you.
By: Martin and Pauline LeBaron (AchHummer)
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